Saturday, January 19, 2008

killing the dreams of little children

i am a complete idiot and i have no internal dialogue if something comes into my mind most of the time it will shoot out of my mouth like word vomit. mere moments ago i was cashing a check for a lady and i remembered that i had forgotten to put money under elisha's pillow for the tooth that he lost yesterday. first just let me say that my kids don't believe in the tooth fairy, they know that it is me and rick that do it because half of the time we forget and have to explain that we forgot so they have to keep the tooth under the pillow for a week at a time until i remember to do it. so having said that i don't think about the fact that other kids believe there is an actual fairy that drifts into their rooms at night and mess with them while they are asleep. so out of my mouth comes "oh man i forgot to leave money under my kids pillow for his tooth" the 8 year old child with her became curious. she glanced up at her mother repeatedly with a very significant glance and the mom was visibly irritated with me. i apologized but i am sure they are having some nice conversation right now. i am such an idiot!! i should have yelled while she was on her way out the door "oh, by the way, there is no santa either" i can't believe i did that!!


FarmWife said...

Hey, if not you, then my kids. They're great at informing people that santa/easter bunny/toothfairy don't exist.

skottikus said...

Thats so funny. Hannah has let the kids in her class know that there isn't a tooth fairy, santa clause or easter bunny.
